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Posts by Y@DminG

Lithium-Ion Batteries Finally Reaching Adolescence

Around five years ago, grid-scale lithium-ion batteries exploded onto the scene—some literally. First, insurers faced the same questions as grid operators: How do you define a battery? Is it power generation? Is it grid equipment? The answer had practical implications … Source: Claims Journal

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Abbott, Reckitt Score First Victory in Baby Formula Trial

Abbott Laboratories and a unit of Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc were cleared by a jury over claims they hid risks their premature-infant formulas can cause a bowel disease that severely sickened a baby boy. It was the companies’ first trial … Source: Claims Journal

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Crawford & Company Launches Insurtech Turvi

Crawford & Company has launched a new insurtech company with the goal of offering SaaS solutions aimed at enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of property/casualty claims. Turvi’s SaaS products are designed to improve claims processing workflow, expedite the estimating process … Source: Claims Journal

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