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White Hat Hackers Paid to Find Security Gaps in Pentagon Websites

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High-tech hackers brought in by the Pentagon to breach Defense Department websites were able to burrow in and find 138 different security gaps, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Friday. The so-called white-hat hackers were turned loose on five public Pentagon … Source: Claims Journal

Oil Industry Downturn Leaves States With Massive Well Cleanup Costs

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The worst oil bust since the 1980s is putting Texas and other oil producing states on the hook for thousands of newly abandoned drilling sites at a time when they have little money to plug wells and seal off environmental … Source: Claims Journal

Price Increases by Larger U.S. Auto Insurers Negatively Impacts Overall Customer Satisfaction

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After improving in each of the past two years, a decline in satisfaction among the nation’s largest auto insurers is driving overall industry satisfaction downward as customers react negatively to the perception of price increases, according to the latest J.D. … Source: Claims Journal

How Millennials are Shaping the Claims Process and Why it Benefits Us All

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By this point, we have all likely seen and read at least a handful of articles centered around millennials and their effect on nearly every facet of life. This is not surprising as millennials are currently the largest generation, at … Source: Claims Journal

Liability Questions Arise After Florida Alligator Attack

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After the death of a Nebraska toddler killed by an alligator at Florida’s Walt Disney World Resort last week, there are questions of who is at fault in the incident. The parents of Lane Graves said they are overwhelmed by … Source: Claims Journal

Orlando Nightclub Victims Look to Sandy Hook Case for Way to Sue Gunmaker

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A case in Connecticut state court could help victims from mass shootings – including the recent massacre in Orlando – sue manufacturers of military style assault rifles used in the attacks, despite state and federal laws granting them immunity. Today, … Source: Claims Journal

Nebraska High Court Rules Immunity Precludes Fatal Boat Accident Suit

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A Nebraska woman whose 10-year-old son died in a boating accident on Storm Lake in 2010 cannot sue the state of Iowa for damages, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled on Friday. The Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, ruled that … Source: Claims Journal

Earth Breaks Heat Record, Though Slowdown Seen

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Earth sizzled to its 13th straight month of record heat in May, but it wasn’t quite as much of an over-the-top scorcher as previous months, federal scientists say. Record May heat, from Alaska to India and especially in the oceans, … Source: Claims Journal

Michigan Auto Repair Bill Vetoed by Governor

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed legislation Thursday that he said would have unfairly and artificially restricted competition in the car parts industry, raising the cost of auto repairs and insurance premiums. The bill, HB  4344, which won approval on 86-23 … Source: Claims Journal

Don’t Sweep it Under: Best Practices for Valuing Oriental Rugs

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One of the more intriguing and complex product categories in the insurance property claims world are Oriental rugs. These beautiful items have been with humans for an extraordinarily long time. The oldest one in existence is the Pazyryk Carpet dating … Source: Claims Journal