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Four Years Later, Louisiana Sinkhole Stable

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A massive sinkhole that went viral in 2013 swallowing trees in Assumption Parish, La., and forced more than 300 residents from their homes has quieted down as officials slowly allow residents to come home. The sinkhole, located in Bayou Corne … Source: Claims Journal

Tackling First Notice of Loss Claims Assignments With Technology

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Assigning claims upon receipt of the first notice of loss (FNOL) can be a cumbersome process. Evaluating an adjuster’s file load, availability and appropriate state licensing can be time consuming and may delay initial contact with the claimant or policyholder. … Source: Claims Journal

University of Wisconsin Crash Study Aims to Make Roads Safer

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It was an early-August evening in rural Wisconsin. An SUV traveling north along a two-lane road veered over the center line. Before landing in a ditch, the car hit a light pole, speed-limit sign and a 13-year-old pedestrian, who died … Source: Claims Journal

Companies Slow to Deploy Data, Technology to Detect Fraud: KPMG

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Fraudsters are more often caught by tip-offs and complaints, management review, accidentally, suspicious superiors and internal audits than by use of technology and data analytics. According to consulting firm KPMG, North companies are not capitalizing on the use of data … Source: Claims Journal

Overdoses, Falls Top Causes of Accidental Deaths Each Year

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Accidents are killing more Americans each year, increasingly from overdoses and falls. A new report from the National Safety Council said that in 2014, more than 136,000 Americans died accidentally. That’s up 4.2 percent from the year before and a … Source: Claims Journal

Man Made Climate Change Likely Contributed to French Floods

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An international team of scientists has found that man-made climate change nearly doubled the likelihood of last month’s devastating French flooding. In a quick but not peer-reviewed analysis , the World Weather Attribution team of climate scientists used past rainfall … Source: Claims Journal

U.S. Boosts Training to Identify Airline Pilots’ Mental Health Issues

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U.S. regulators have increased training for the doctors who screen airline pilots so they can better spot mental health issues in the wake of last year’s suicide that killed 150 people on a Germanwings flight deliberately crashed in the French … Source: Claims Journal

Supreme Court Allows Larger Damages in Intentional Patent Infringement

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The U.S. Supreme Court eased the way for larger damage awards when a company intentionally copies a patented invention. Voting unanimously, the justices said a key federal appeals court had placed overly rigid limits on the ability of trial judges … Source: Claims Journal

Burger Chain Wendy’s Cyber Attack Bigger Than First Thought

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U.S. burger chain operator Wendy’s Co. said it had discovered additional instances of unusual credit card activity at some of its franchise-operated restaurants, widening the scope of an earlier cyber attack on the company. The company in January said it … Source: Claims Journal

Houston Ship Channel Pilot Blamed in 2015 Collision

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Federal safety experts say errors by a Houston Ship Channel pilot likely caused the 2015 collision between two 600-foot vessels that led to a chemical spill. The Houston Chronicle reported Wednesday that the National Transportation Safety Board has urged Houston … Source: Claims Journal