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Opioid Prescriptions in Workers’ Compensation Claims Decline: WCRI

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A new study by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) found “noticeable decreases” in the amount of opioids prescribed per workers’ compensation claim in a majority of 25  states studied. The WCRI study, Interstate Variations in Use of Opioids, 3rd … Source: Claims Journal

Oklahoma Orders Change in Earthquake Insurance Rating

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Oklahoma’s top insurance regulator has determined that there’s a definite lack of competition in the earthquake insurance market in Oklahoma and ordered insurers to change the way they file rates for the coverage in the state. Commissioner John D. Doak’s order … Source: Claims Journal

Florida Supreme Court Finds 104-Week Temporary Disability Benefits Cap Unconstitutional

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The Florida Supreme Court has delivered another blow to Florida’s workers’ compensation system with a ruling today that the state’s statutory 104-week cap on temporary disability benefits is unconstitutional. The Florida Supreme Court ruled 5-2 in favor of the of … Source: Claims Journal

May’s Global Disasters Generate $7 Billion in Claims: Aon

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Global disasters led to at least $7 billion in claims during May as insurers aid the recovery process following wildfires, floods, and storms, according to Impact Forecasting, Aon Benfield’s catastrophe model development team. An historic wildfire caused catastrophic damage in … Source: Claims Journal

Federal Reserve Suggests Two-tier Capital Regulation for Insurers

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Major insurers American International Group Inc. and Prudential Financial Inc. would be required to hold enough capital to head off risks to the U.S. financial system as part of a regulatory shakeup of the insurance industry proposed by the Federal … Source: Claims Journal

Despite Lack of NFL Funding, CTE Research Continues

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Researchers are moving ahead with efforts to develop a diagnostic test for chronic traumatic encephalopathy – even without the NFL’s help. Some of the nation’s top brain scientists gathered Wednesday at the Boston University School of Medicine for the start … Source: Claims Journal

Respecting Customer Time Is Critical to Satisfaction

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Amazon.com scored its sixth annual victory in the 24/7 Wall Street Customer Service Hall of Fame last year, with 59 percent of customers reporting that they received excellent customer service from the ecommerce giant. That score surpassed the number two company … Source: Claims Journal

Iowa State Police Supervisor Wasn’t Initially Cited in Rear-end Crash

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A now-fired Iowa State Patrol supervisor rear-ended another car in March but his agency didn’t give him a ticket and its investigation instead blamed the lead driver, records show. Legal experts say drivers of rear cars involved in collisions are … Source: Claims Journal

France Creates Emergency Fund for Flood Victims

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France is setting up an emergency fund to help those who lost everything after the worst floods in three decades caused the Seine River to burst its banks. Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Monday after a government meeting that the … Source: Claims Journal

Georgia High Court Says Dog’s Worth is Market Value Plus Medical Costs

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To its owner, a pet dog may be priceless – and even though Georgia’s highest court didn’t go quite that far Monday, it did say that under some circumstances, an owner whose pet is hurt or dies at the hands … Source: Claims Journal