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Storm Chaser Creates New Device to Capture Video of Tornadoes

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Growing up in a farming family, Brad Emel learned at an early age what it was like to live at the mercy of the weather. He can also remember a few storms that terrified him as a child, as well … Source: Claims Journal

Former Zurich CEO Commits Suicide

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Martin Senn, the Zurich Insurance Group AG chief executive officer who stepped down in a December reshuffle, has committed suicide, the company said in a statement on Monday. He was 59. The family informed Zurich Insurance that Senn had taken … Source: Claims Journal

New Satellite Means Better Future Storm Forecasts

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For forecasters trying to better pinpoint the havoc of storms, the future begins next year. That’s when the test phase for the new GOES-R satellite should be complete, providing the  National Weather Service with an improved tool to track lightning, … Source: Claims Journal

Indy 500 Safety Measures Still Used Today

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Imagine climbing into your sedan in the driveway and not putting on a seatbelt, then trying to back out onto a busy street without the benefit of a rear-view mirror. Odd exercise? Sure. Unsafe? You bet. Seatbelts and rear-view mirrors, … Source: Claims Journal

Average Atlantic Hurricane Season Expected This Year

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U.S. government forecasters expect a near-normal Atlantic hurricane season, after three relatively slow years. But they also say climate conditions that influence storm development are making it difficult to predict how many hurricanes and tropical storms will arise over the … Source: Claims Journal

Victims of Repeated Flood Sue Houston, Allege Negligence

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A citizen’s group and homeowners who have recently suffered repeat flood damage sued Houston in federal court Wednesday, alleging the city backed improvements at a commercial development they say were made without putting in adequate drainage. Residents Against Flooding and … Source: Claims Journal

Endoscope Cleaning Machine Tied to Superbugs Still Being Used

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When going in for a medical procedure, you probably want to be certain the doctor’s instruments are clean. Following a recent turnabout by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, that certainty may be a little harder to come by. Six months ago, the regulator … Source: Claims Journal

Texas Not the Only State Impacted by Barrage of Hail Lawsuits

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In the last few years, hail damage lawsuits have crowded Texas courts. Using the same model employed in the Lone Star state, hail damage litigation is beginning to impact other states where large hail events have occurred, including Colorado, Oklahoma … Source: Claims Journal

Storm Bonnie Could Dampen Holiday Cookouts Off Southern Coast of U.S.

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A storm that would be named Bonnie threatens holiday cookouts and celebrations along the U.S. coast from North Carolina to Georgia over the Memorial Day weekend. If the low-pressure system now northeast of the Bahamas develops, it will become the … Source: Claims Journal

Tire Blowouts Inevitable as 38M Americans Embark on Memorial Day Weekend Road Trips

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An estimate by the National Safety Council suggests there could be as many as 439 deaths and an additional 50,500 serious injuries from auto crashes during the three-day Memorial Day holiday period. With more than 38 million Americans expected to … Source: Claims Journal