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New Penn State Abuse Claims Reopens Emotional Wounds

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The pain and passion over the Penn State sexual abuse scandal were reignited with new allegations that Joe Paterno was told Jerry Sandusky sexually abused a child as early as 1976 and that two assistant coaches witnessed the abuse of … Source: Claims Journal

Massive Alberta Wildfire Will Likely Burn for Months

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The images are ones of devastation – scorched homes, virtually whole neighborhoods burned to the ground. It rained a little Sunday morning in Fort McMurray, but Canadian officials say they expect to fight the massive wildfire that has destroyed large … Source: Claims Journal

A Practical Approach to Pollution Exclusions

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The Supreme Court of Vermont recently demonstrated in Whitney v. Vermont Mutual Ins. Co., 2015 VT 140, 2015 WL 8540432 (filed Dec. 11, 2015) a practical approach to the application of an absolute pollution exclusion. The case facts involved a … Source: Claims Journal

Firewise Program Continues to Educate Homeowners on Wildfire Mitigation

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The raging wildfire in Alberta, Canada, has prompted concerns in the U.S. that this wildfire season will be as bad as last year. In 2015, there were more than 68,000 wildfires in the U.S. making it one of the worst … Source: Claims Journal

Louisiana Flooding Cause Caskets to Surface

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Widespread flooding not only disrupts the living but sometimes also creates havoc for the dead. That’s what happened in southwest Louisiana’s Calcasieu Parish when an overflowing Sabine River – helped by days of heavy rain – recently pushed water inland … Source: Claims Journal

Arizona High Court Rules Doctor Medical Marijuana Immunity is Limited

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The legal immunity provided physicians by Arizona’s medical marijuana law for certifying patients to use pot only applies to the medical certifications, not other conduct such as making false statements in documents, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday. The high … Source: Claims Journal

DC Metro’s Mishandling of Fire Prompts Safety Changes

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Describing a dramatic list of missteps by Metro during a response to a station fire, the Federal Transit Administration issued a series of directives to the Washington D.C., transit agency while threatening to shut down the system. The FTA, which … Source: Claims Journal

New Rules Expected to Impact E-Cigarette Industry

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The federal government on Thursday announced sweeping new regulations for electronic cigarettes that could upend the multibillion-dollar industry and for the first time require e-cigarette makers to submit their products for a safety review. Before brands are allowed to stay … Source: Claims Journal

Post-Katrina Flood Case Given Class Action Status

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A federal judge who ruled last year that the federal government is responsible for some of the flooding that hit the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina and other storms granted class-action status in the case Wednesday, meaning numerous property … Source: Claims Journal

Contents Analysis: Baiting Claims Values on Fishing Gear

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Valuing Rods, Reels, Bait & Tackle Fishing is defined as the capture of any aquatic animal, including shellfish and octopi, through the use of specialized equipment. This equipment turns up quite often in insurance claims. Over a nine-month span between … Source: Claims Journal