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Researchers Blame Rain for Causing Some Earthquakes

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Rainwater may play an important role in the process that triggers earthquakes, according to new research. Researchers from the University of Southampton, GNS Science (New Zealand), the University of Otago, and GFZ Potsdam (Germany), identified the sources and fluxes of … Source: Claims Journal

Safety Groups Urge Stronger Action by CPSC on IKEA Furniture Tipping Hazard

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Kids In Danger (KID), Consumer Federation of America (CFA), Consumers Union and the National Center for Health Research called on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to secure a formal recall of IKEA furniture responsible for the deaths of … Source: Claims Journal

New Early Warning System May be Result of UAH Tornado Research

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A new tornado early warning system could result from research at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) that’s being conducted with the help of General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) and supported by $50,000 in seed funding from the Madison … Source: Claims Journal

Concussion Deal Critics Seek Court Review of $1B NFL Settlement Offer

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Critics of the proposed $1 billion settlement of NFL concussion claims want a full U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia to review a recent court decision that upheld the deal. The challengers believe the lead players’ lawyers negotiated away compensation for … Source: Claims Journal

Illinois Court Rules Business Contracts, AI Provisions Must Match to Gain Coverage

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In a decision with more than the usual transaction guidance, an Illinois federal district court has taught businesses how important it is to satisfy with precision the requirements of their counterparties’ insurance policies, if they hope to gain the shelter … Source: Claims Journal

Autonomous Cars Confused by America’s Shabby Roads

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Volvo’s North American CEO, Lex Kerssemakers, lost his cool as the automaker’s semi-autonomous prototype sporadically refused to drive itself during a press event at the Los Angeles Auto Show. “It can’t find the lane markings!” Kerssemakers griped to Mayor Eric … Source: Claims Journal

Eleventh Circuit Criticizes District Court for Focusing on Bad Faith Set-up Conduct

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In Moore v. GEICO General Ins. Co., 2016 WL 736824 (11th Cir., Feb. 19, 2016), the United States Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a District Court grant of summary judgment in favor of GEICO in a bad faith set-up … Source: Claims Journal

Cal Fire Says PG&E at Fault for 2015 Butte Fire

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The Calaveras County Board of Supervisorssaid it will pursue all legal avenues and seek hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. after a Cal Fire investigation determined the utility was guilty of causing the … Source: Claims Journal

Sea Level Rise Summit Coincides With Current Florida Flood Risk

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Just as parts of South Florida are bracing for potential risks of flooding in low-lying areas due to the close proximity of the moon, high tides, sea-level rise and inclement weather, Florida Atlantic University is spearheading efforts to bring together … Source: Claims Journal

Global Weather Agency Takes 3 Hurricane Names Off the List

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WMO’s Hurricane Committee announced that it will no longer use the names Erika and Joaquin for future tropical storms or hurricanes in the Atlantic, and the name Patricia will no longer be used in the eastern North Pacific. The three … Source: Claims Journal