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Appeals Court Upholds $1B NFL Concussion Settlement

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A federal appeals court has upheld an estimated $1 billion plan by the NFL to settle thousands of concussion lawsuits filed by former players, potentially ending a troubled chapter in league history. The decision released Monday comes nearly a year … Source: Claims Journal

Insurers, States Work to Combat Distracted Driving

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Drivers are faced with a number of distractions today. Consider that more than 587,000 people driving at any given time are holding cell phones, according to a National Occupant Protection Use Survey conducted in 2014. According to Distraction.gov, a joint … Source: Claims Journal

Auto Safety Agency Looks to Aviation Industry to Reduce Road Deaths

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The U.S. government is bringing together top airline and auto company executives to discuss aviation industry practices such as safety data sharing that automakers could adapt to help reduce car accidents, a leading cause of death in America. The U.S. … Source: Claims Journal

South Carolina Still Recovering 6 Months After Historic Floods

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In a flood, nature can steal everything: lives and homes, delicate Christmas ornaments, a favorite flannel shirt, a special fishing hole. The historic rains and floods that battered South Carolina in October claimed 19 lives, destroyed more than $1 billion … Source: Claims Journal

Early Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Has Researchers Concerned

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Greenland’s massive ice sheet this week started melting freakishly early thanks to a weather system that brought unseasonably warm temperatures and rain, scientists say. While this record early melt is mostly from natural weather on top of overall global warming, … Source: Claims Journal

Oil & Gas Industry, Regulators Need to Partner to Make Offshore Drilling Safer

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Companies that drill for oil and gas in U.S. waters should be required to work more closely with rig workers and regulators, as they do in Norway and the United Kingdom, to reduce the risk of accidents, the U.S. Chemical … Source: Claims Journal

Forget Apps, Messaging Bots Are What’s Hot Right Now

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The robots are coming – to help run your life or sell you stuff – at an online texting service near you. In coming months, users of Facebook’s Messenger app, Microsoft’s Skype and Canada’s Kik can expect to find new … Source: Claims Journal

Critics Say Hospitals Fuel Overprescription of Painkillers

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Critics of how prescription painkillers are administered in the U.S. are calling on health officials to phase out hospital procedures and questionnaires used to manage pain. They say the current system inadvertently encourages the overprescribing of addictive drugs like Vicodin … Source: Claims Journal

Wearable Tech, Automated Vehicles Dominate Insurance Horizon

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Imagine sitting at your desk writing a quote for an insurance policy and suddenly the lapel of your coat begins angrily buzzing, snapping you out of a daze and causing you to quickly straighten up and become alert. The midday … Source: Claims Journal

Communication, Partnering With Police Drive Down Jewelry Industry Thefts

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The jewelry industry experienced a 14.7 percent decline in crimes, according to the 2015 Annual Crime Report released by the Jewelers’ Security Alliance. The total number of crimes against the industry decreased from 1,381 in 2014 to 1,177 in 2015. … Source: Claims Journal