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Insurer’s Controlled Substance Exclusion Didn’t Relieve Obligation to Defend Methadone Intoxication Death Case

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The Illinois Court of Appeals recently considered whether an insurance company was obligated to defend its insured in a wrongful death claim involving methadone intoxication notwithstanding the fact that the insurer’s homeowner policy contained a controlled substance exclusion. In Skolnik … Source: Claims Journal

New Orleans Developers Want to Revive Katrina-Damaged Theme Park

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Developers want to bring life back to a former Six Flags theme park at the edge of New Orleans, La., a tourist attraction long rusting away into an overgrown and ghostly spot of abandoned and vandalized amusement rides. In 2005, … Source: Claims Journal

Employee vs. Contractor Debate to Become Even Hotter

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The employee vs. contractor debate has the potential to have a major impact on the insurance industry, according to a pair of experts speaking on the topic on last week at the annual Risk Management Society conference held in San … Source: Claims Journal

As El Nino Fades, La Nina Watch Issued

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Next winter could be cold across the northern U.S. as odds increase that a La Nina will replace the fading El Nino in the Pacific Ocean. A La Nina watch was issued Thursday as the warming across the equatorial Pacific’s … Source: Claims Journal

Auto Safety Agency Counts 85M Unrecalled Takata Inflators in U.S.

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About 85 million Takata airbag inflators that haven’t been recalled are inside cars and trucks now being driven in the U.S. and would have to be replaced if the company can’t prove they are safe, the government said Wednesday. The … Source: Claims Journal

DUI Offenders’ In-Car Breathalyzers Curb Drunk Driving Deaths by 15%

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State laws that require drivers who’ve been convicted of drunk driving to pass a breathalyzer-type test before starting their cars saved an estimated 915 lives between 2007 and 2013, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public … Source: Claims Journal

Strong Quake Rattles Southern Japan

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A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.4 knocked over houses in southern Japan on Thursday evening, and police said people may be trapped underneath. There were no immediate reports of casualties from the 9:26 p.m. quake, and no … Source: Claims Journal

OSHA’s New Reporting Rules Lead to Better Focus on Employers, Resources

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One year after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s new reporting requirements went into effect, the agency reports that prompt reporting has allowed them to connect with employers it otherwise might never had contact with, said David Michaels, assistant secretary … Source: Claims Journal

Oklahoma High Court Strikes Down Workers’ Comp Rule Deferring PPD Payment

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The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down part of the state’s workers’ compensation law, saying the provisions deprived workers of their due process rights and created a subclass of workers. The 7-2 decision invalidates a portion of the law, … Source: Claims Journal

Personality Traits May Dictate Distracted Driving Level

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Extraverted older adults and conscientious, curious teens may be more likely to engage in risky driving behavior, while agreeable teens are less likely to drive distracted, according to new research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In the study … Source: Claims Journal