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Ship Owner Arrested Outside London Court in Insurance Fraud Case

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A Greek ship owner was arrested by London police as he left court after testifying in a $77 million lawsuit against the insurers of a ship that was allegedly damaged by pirates off the coast of Yemen. Police officers told … Source: Claims Journal

Allianz: Shipping Safety Hampered by Cyber Risks, Superstorms

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Shipping losses continue their long-term downward trend with 85 total losses reported worldwide in 2015, according to the Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) fourth annual Safety and Shipping Review 2016, which analyzes reported shipping losses of over 100 gross … Source: Claims Journal

Marsh/RIMS Report on Future Difficulty in Forecasting Emerging Risks

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Most risk professionals believe that forecasting risk will not get any easier in the next three years, with cyberattacks and regulation topping the list of areas from which emerging risks will likely arise, according to a new report published jointly … Source: Claims Journal

NICB: Motorcycle Thefts Rose 6% in 2015

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Motorcycle thefts increased 6 percent in 2015, according to a new report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). A total of 45,555 motorcycles were reported stolen in 2015 compared with 42,856 reported stolen in 2014. Motorcycle thefts have been … Source: Claims Journal

Court Rules Insurer’s Privacy Policy Can Give Rise to Breach of Contract Claim

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Do your privacy policies give a clear, conspicuous and accurate statement of the company’s practices? The major federal privacy statute applicable to insurers is Gramm-Leach-Bliley, 15 U.S.C. § 6801 et seq., which applies to all financial services companies. A number … Source: Claims Journal

Toyota Adds Driverless Car Research Base in Michigan

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Toyota Motor Corp. said it will collaborate with the University of Michigan on a research base near the school’s Ann Arbor campus to focus on autonomous vehicles, the third center under a $1 billion investment by the automaker. Gill Pratt, … Source: Claims Journal

Terrorists Could Target Connected Cars

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Internet-connected and driverless cars could be targets for hackers – potentially including terrorists and hostile nations – so the automotive industry must ensure vehicles have built-in cybersecurity protection, a top U.S. Justice Department official said. “There is no Internet-connected system … Source: Claims Journal

Chubb Highlights Fleet Road Safety in New Advisory

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Any business that uses vehicles in their operations needs to make auto safety a corporate priority, according to a newly released report by Chubb. The report examines new and longstanding risk exposures facing companies that use vehicles for business operations. … Source: Claims Journal

New Data Links Speed Limit Increase to More Road Deaths

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Increasing speed limits in states across the country between 1993 and 2013 have led to 33,000 fatalities on U.S. roadways, according to new research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Excessive speed contributes to a tremendous proportion of … Source: Claims Journal

Xactware Annual Property Report Highlights Most Common Contents Claims

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Jewelry and watches remain the costliest content claims items, according to the latest Xactware Annual Property Report. Data from the company’s 2015 report was outlined recently during the Verisk Monday webinar. In its eleventh year, the property report on the … Source: Claims Journal