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Ahead of Season, Oregon May Renew Wildfire Insurance

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Oregon is considering another year of insurance coverage to help pay for catastrophic wildfire seasons. British insurance giant Lloyd’s of London is offering the state another year of coverage despite three consecutive years of expensive, drought-fueled wildfires. The policy could … Source: Claims Journal

March Flooding Losses in Louisiana Could Top $15M

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The agricultural loss from the March flooding across Louisiana could top $15 million, according to an economist with the LSU AgCenter. Kurt Guidry said the loss figures are preliminary, because reports are coming in daily from farmers and producers. Guidry … Source: Claims Journal

Effects of Global Warming Making US Sick

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Man-made global warming is making America sicker, and it’s only going to get worse, according to a new federal government report. The 332-page report issued Monday by the Obama administration said global warming will make the air dirtier, water more … Source: Claims Journal

Maine Fire Marshal Says Hayride Regulations Not Feasible

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A working group set up after a fatal haunted hayride accident has concluded there’s little the state can do to improve the safety of hayrides and other farm-based amusements. Maine, like many states, has no law regulating farm amusements or … Source: Claims Journal

Russia, China Remain Greatest Cyberthreats, but Iran is of Growing Concern

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Russia and China present the greatest cyber security threat to the U.S., but Iran is trying to increase and spend more on its capabilities, the Navy admiral in charge of the military’s Cyber Command told Congress Tuesday. Adm. Michael Rogers … Source: Claims Journal

Hospitals Ignored Software Flaw Warnings Allowing Hackers Access to Systems

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The hackers who seriously disrupted operations at a large hospital chain recently and held some data hostage broke into a computer server left vulnerable despite urgent public warnings since at least 2007 that it needed to be fixed with a … Source: Claims Journal

Federal Jury Says Security Firm Isn’t Liable for $60M Prescription Drug Heist

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A security company isn’t liable for the theft of more than $60 million worth of prescription drugs from pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly’s warehouse in Connecticut six years ago, a federal jury in Florida says. Eli Lilly’s insurer, the National Union … Source: Claims Journal

Recognizing Diversity Key to Tapping Future Talent

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While the idea of diversity in the workplace isn’t new, the insurance industry is known for lagging when it comes to change. “Quite frankly, I’ve been involved in the industry for quite a number of years. In the last one, … Source: Claims Journal

Driverless Car Litigation: The World of George Jetson Has Arrived

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Imagine beginning your day with a cup of coffee in the car on the way to work, watching the morning news from a holographic projection on the windshield while making notes in preparation for a 9:00 a.m. meeting. All this … Source: Claims Journal

Swiss Re Ranks 2015 Disasters, February Winter Storm is Biggest Loss in U.S.

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Insured losses from global catastrophes and man-made disasters reached $37 billion in 2015, well-below the $62 billion average of the previous 10 years. The Tianjin explosions caused the biggest insured loss, according to the latest Swiss Re sigma study. There … Source: Claims Journal