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Brussels Terrorist Attack Highlights U.S. Subway Vulnerability

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The Brussels terrorist attacks show how subway passengers can be even more vulnerable than airline travelers. But that’s not where public attention – or federal security spending – has gone in the U.S. The Transportation Security Administration, created after the … Source: Claims Journal

VW Diesel Fix Deadline is April 21

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A federal judge on Thursday gave Volkswagen AG and U.S. regulators until April 21 to agree on a fix for the nearly 600,000 diesel vehicles on U.S. roads caught up in VW’s massive emissions cheating scandal. U.S. District Judge Charles … Source: Claims Journal

FAA: Drone Close Calls, Sightings by Airliners Up Fivefold

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Reports of errant drones flouting U.S. regulations including flying too close to passenger airliners and other aircraft surged late last year to an average of four incidents per day, according to Federal Aviation Administration data. The 1,200 incident reports in … Source: Claims Journal

The Quest for the Perfect Claims File

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Understanding the difference between objective and subjective data is of utmost importance when handling a claim, said Don Myles, a partner with the Arizona law firm of Jones, Skelton and Hochuli. Myles, a presenter at the annual Combined Claims Conference … Source: Claims Journal

Nearly All Doctors Prescribe Opioids for Longer Than Recommended

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Most doctors – 99 percent – are prescribing highly addictive opioid medicines for longer than the three-day period recommended, according to a national survey. Twenty-three percent prescribe at least a month’s worth of opioids. Also, according to the survey by … Source: Claims Journal

Making Windshields Smarter: Questions on ADAS Calibration

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Today’s windshields are poised to start thinking for themselves – but at what cost? When windshields were introduced in the early 1900s, they were not sophisticated devices. In fact, they were optional. Motorists got to choose whether their new car … Source: Claims Journal

Negotiating Claims Like an NFL Referee

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Don’t ask for a demand. That’s one recommendation from Ed Hochuli, a National Football League referee and partner with Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, who offered tips on settlement negotiation do’s and don’ts in an interview with Claims Journal during the … Source: Claims Journal

Some Knowledge Isn’t Enough to Trigger Known-Loss Exclusion

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The purpose of insurance is to protect insureds against unknown, fortuitous risks, and the purpose of insurance policies is not to insure liability incurred prior to the policy issuance. Because of this, modern general liability policies often contain a known-loss … Source: Claims Journal

Cleveland Indians Expand Safety Netting Behind Home Plate

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The Cleveland Indians are expanding and extending the safety netting behind home plate at Progressive Field to better protect their fans. The club is following recommendations outlined by Major League Baseball in December to help fans avoid being hit by … Source: Claims Journal

More States Deploy Drones to Monitor Traffic, Clear Accidents

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That buzzing sound overhead may soon signal the arrival of the 21st-century version of a guy in a hardhat and bucket truck. State transportation departments are increasingly studying the use of drones for everything from inspecting bridges to clearing car … Source: Claims Journal