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Water Damage Claims Expected to Spike Due to Strong El Nino

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Winter Storm Jonas’ message to homeowners – a challenging winter lies ahead. The storm that affected 20 states was the result of a particularly strong El Niño, according to the latest Farmers Insurance Seasonal Smarts Digest. The storm brought a … Source: Claims Journal

First GM Bellwether Case Dropped for Fraud, Hundreds More to Go

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General Motors Co. just watched the first big court case over an admitted deadly defect in its cars melt down as an Oklahoma postman who claimed GM ruined his life dropped his suit, accused of lying. The case was the … Source: Claims Journal

Automakers Recalled 51M U.S. Vehicles in 2015

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said on Thursday that automakers recalled 51.3 million vehicles in the United States last year, the second-highest ever, in 868 separate campaigns. NHTSA and automakers have come under harsh criticism on auto safety issues … Source: Claims Journal

Multi-Billion Dollar Loss Expected From East Coast Blizzard

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Massive blizzards that paralyzed much of the U.S. East Coast in the past few days are likely to cause “multi-billion” dollar economic losses in one of the worst storms in the region in over a century, reinsurance broker Aon Benfield … Source: Claims Journal

Federal Court Orders $1.6M in Claim Money Returned to BP

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A federal court has ordered repayment of more than $1.6 million in claim money paid to an Alabama couple’s business after BP’s 2010 Gulf Oil Spill. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier’s order says the payment to Vision Design Management “was … Source: Claims Journal

New York Working on Building a Better Weather Network

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Counting every raindrop or measuring every gust of wind is impossible, but New York is getting closer with a uniquely extensive statewide system of automated weather stations that should paint a dramatically clearer picture of developing storms. Described as the … Source: Claims Journal

Butte, Valley Wildfires Cause $1B in Insured Losses

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Two of the most destructive fires in California’s history, the Valley and Butte Fires, ravaged nearly 150,000 acres in Northern California last fall and caused an estimated $1 billion in insurance losses. The Valley fire pillaged 1,958 structures in Lake, … Source: Claims Journal

U.S. Auto Recalls in 2015 Break Record Set Year Before

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Automobile recalls hit another record last year as stronger government enforcement and widening recalls of exploding airbags pushed the total above 51 million vehicles. The 2015 number barely beat the old record set in 2014, after that total was adjusted … Source: Claims Journal

Older Workers Effect on Workers’ Comp Injuries and Costs

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Employment of workers aged 65 or older grew by 101 percent between 1997 and 2007, while employment of individuals 75 and older increased by 172 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By 2020, one in four Americans will … Source: Claims Journal

Massive Snowfall, Flooding After Winter Storm Pounds East Coast

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Millions of Americans started digging themselves out Sunday after a mammoth blizzard with hurricane-force winds and record-setting snowfall brought much of the East Coast to an icy standstill. New York and Baltimore began lifting travel restrictions and hearty souls ventured … Source: Claims Journal