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Test Cyber Breach Exercise Reveals Gaps in Planning

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The chance of a cyber security breach increases each and every day, according to Jim Satterfield, COO and president of Firestorm, a national company specializing in emergency response, crisis management, crisis communications and workplace violence. In addition, it takes about … Source: Claims Journal

Manufacturers Adapt Drones to New U.S. Rules

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One of the most important players in the booming drone industry isn’t a hardware manufacturer; it’s the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. So attendees at the Consumer Electronics Show last week flocked to hear a policy update from the FAA, which … Source: Claims Journal

Study Confirms That Crash Rates Are Lower for Self-Driving Cars

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Crash rates for self-driving cars are lower than the national crash rate of conventional cars, according to a new report out of Virginia Tech Transportation Institute that was commissioned by self-driving car developer Google. While self-driving cars have a rate … Source: Claims Journal

Feds Say No Risk of Hacking in Non-Jeep Radios

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U.S. safety regulators have determined that only Fiat Chrysler radios have a security flaw that allowed friendly hackers to take control of a Jeep last year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in documents posted online Saturday that it’s … Source: Claims Journal

South Carolina Lawmakers Ponder Fix for Flood Damaged Roads

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While South Carolina legislators pledge to address road funding and flood relief over the next six months, there’s no consensus on what they’ll do. A $1.3 billion windfall makes a compromise even harder. And in a year when every House … Source: Claims Journal

South Dakota Official Blames Highway Elevation Change for Car Crashes

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A county official says an elevation change on a Day County highway is partly responsible for the high accident rate along that stretch. Day County Emergency Management director Wes Williams calls the area going east from Andover to a curve … Source: Claims Journal

Pilot Manual Flying Skills Rusty Says Government Watchdog

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The government is falling short in ensuring airline pilots keep up their flying skills and get full training on how to monitor sophisticated automated control systems in cockpits, according to the Transportation Department’s internal watchdog. Most airline flying today is … Source: Claims Journal

Gas Leak Drives Residents From Gated Los Angeles Community

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Laura Gideon and her family endured the sickening stench from an out-of-control natural gas leak for about a month before they could no longer tolerate the nausea, headaches and nosebleeds. After she went to the emergency room in November vomiting … Source: Claims Journal

Demolition Contractor Gets Prison Time for Deadly Philadelphia Building Collapse

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As he drank coffee at his job site in the mornings, demolition subcontractor Sean Benschop often talked with Borbor Davis, who worked at the adjacent Salvation Army in downtown Philadelphia. The men, both immigrants, asked where the other was from. … Source: Claims Journal

More N.J. Beach Homeowners File Suit to Block Sand Dunes

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In the dead of winter, the dune wars are heating up at the Jersey shore. More oceanfront homeowners are going to court to try to block protective sand dunes from being built near their homes, on land they currently own. … Source: Claims Journal