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Omnichannel Consistency Can Boost Customer Satisfaction During the Claims Process

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TeleTech Holdings, Inc.,  a provider of customer experience, engagement and growth solutions, has published research on what matters most to customers when they file a property/casualty insurance claim. The research is based on results from the 2015 TeleTech P&C Customer … Source: Claims Journal

Egypt Says Terrorism Not to Blame for Russian Jet Crash

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Egypt said Monday it has not yet found any sign of terrorism in the deadly Oct. 31 crash of a Russian passenger jet in the Sinai desert, a preliminary finding that conflicts with Russian, U.S. and British statements that they … Source: Claims Journal

Researchers Fight Foodborne Illness With Bacteria

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Foodborne illnesses pose a serious health concern for consumers and a potentially devastating risk to the companies associated with outbreaks. Texas ice cream maker Blue Bell Creameries reportedly laid off 37 percent of its workforce earlier this year after a … Source: Claims Journal

Washington Schools Get Tested on Seismic Safety With Students’ Help

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On the count of three, a scrum of Washington sixth graders flung themselves in the air, landing with a thud that vibrated the ground under their feet. Nearby, their classmates huddled around a computer, watching jagged tracings scroll across the … Source: Claims Journal

Arkansas High Court Rules No Depreciation of Labor in ACV Claim

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An insurer can’t depreciate labor in calculating the actual cash value (ACV) of an insured property in the event of a covered loss, Arkansas high court justices have determined. In an opinion delivered on Dec. 10, 2015, the Arkansas Supreme … Source: Claims Journal

Property Damage Appraisers Reveal PDA Xpress Results

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One year after the launch of Property Damage Appraisers’ virtual, web-based estimating tool PDA Xpress, the results are in – nearly 50 percent of PDA Xpress estimates are completed in 45 minutes or less. The tool is performing so well … Source: Claims Journal

Study Reveals That Sand Piles Used to Restore Coast Also Contributed to Subsidence

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A new study underscores the unique difficulties Louisiana faces in maintaining its fragile delta and keeping the sea at bay: Researchers found work to replenish an eroding shoreline by pumping onto it massive amounts of sand itself caused the land … Source: Claims Journal

Big Business Thwarts Another Class Action Attempt

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The U.S. Supreme Court fairly predictably sides with corporations in their clashes with consumers, but the business-friendly rulings often come in unpredictable packages. Consider the latest high court decision reinforcing the ability of companies to fend off class-action lawsuits and … Source: Claims Journal

Ex-NY Senate Leader, Son Convicted on Extortion Charges

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The former state Senate leader and his son were convicted Friday of federal extortion charges, the second time in a month that one of New York’s most powerful politicians was run out of office by a prosecution that put the … Source: Claims Journal

New U.S. State Laws Could Back Uber’s Stance of Drivers as Contractors

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State legislators in Ohio and Florida are moving ahead with regulations governing Uber and other ride services that would designate all drivers as independent contractors, bolstering a critical but much-disputed aspect of Uber’s business model. The states would join North … Source: Claims Journal