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Major Fault Near California Nuclear Reactors Links to Second Crack

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The Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, located in San Luis Obispo County, Calif., and earthquake faults have been uneasy neighbors for decades. Even before the twin reactors produced a single watt of electricity, the plant had to be retrofitted after … Source: Claims Journal

Highway Fatalities Climb 8.1% in 2015, Likely Driven by Lower Fuel Prices

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The death toll on U.S. highways rose 8.1 percent in the first half of 2015 as low fuel prices contributed to a jump in miles driven by Americans, according to new figures from the Transportation Department. The preliminary figures represent … Source: Claims Journal

Progressive Claims Data Reveals Spike in Thanksgiving Week Wrecks

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Thanksgiving is recognized as one of the most heavily traveled holidays, with festivities both before and after the turkey is carved. As families prepare to hit the road this Thanksgiving week, new data from Progressive Insurance offers drivers a leg … Source: Claims Journal

Study Reveals Increased Infant Deaths Attributed to Crib Bumpers, Ban Recommended

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A new study shows that the number of infant deaths and injuries attributed to crib bumpers has spiked significantly in recent years, prompting the researchers to call for a nationwide ban on the bedding accessory. The findings stem from an … Source: Claims Journal

Minnesota Targets Tractor Rollovers in Safety Campaign

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Minnesota officials are targeting tractor rollovers as a way to improve safety on the farm. Key legislators and representatives of three state agencies met for the first time last week to gather information on how other states – including Wisconsin … Source: Claims Journal

Listings Climb on Lodging Sites While Questions on Insurance, Liability Remain

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Marcus Ohanesian and Katie O’Connor’s apartment is in a “family-friendly neighborhood central to the middle of Worcester” and a short walk to excellent restaurants and bars. Their living rooms, with hardwood floors and walls painted in pastel yellow and orange … Source: Claims Journal

Gary Brown Appointed CEO of McLarens

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Global loss adjuster McLarens announced that Gary Brown will be appointed chief executive officer on 1 April 2016, the beginning of the next fiscal year. Currently chief operating officer, Brown has a loss adjusting background with 29 years experience in … Source: Claims Journal

Almost All Drones Said to Need Registration in U.S. Plan

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Owners of all but the smallest toy drones will have to register them with the U.S. government before the end of the year if the Obama administration adopts proposals issued by a task force it appointed. Registration – designed to … Source: Claims Journal

NICB: Top Holidays for Vehicle Theft

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Holiday car thieves had their busiest day in 2014 on, ironically, Labor Day, stealing 2,200 vehicles according to new data released today by the National Insurance Crime Bureau. NICB’s 2014 Annual Holiday Vehicle Theft Report analyzes data from the National … Source: Claims Journal

Bezos’ Blue Origin Reusable Rocket Lands Safely, Challenging SpaceX

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Jeff Bezos’s space-exploration company Blue Origin LLC achieved a key milestone: sending a rocket into space and then landing it safely back on Earth. The flight and recovery of the New Shepard vehicle beat Elon Musk’s SpaceX in the quest … Source: Claims Journal