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As EPA Reviews Montana Mine Cleanup, Concerns of Leftover Asbestos Remain

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Federal officials say their final analysis of a Montana community wracked by a deadly asbestos contamination shows a costly and much-criticized cleanup is working, even though some 700 properties have yet to be investigated and concerns linger over asbestos left … Source: Claims Journal

Building the Future

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What is “The One Thing” That Insurance Executives Can Do Today to Innovate in their Claims Departments? If you love football, then you know how frustrating it is to be a football fan. Every offseason, you get excited about the … Source: Claims Journal

Markel Announces Executive Officer Changes

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Markel Corporation announced that, effective January 1, 2016, Thomas S. Gayner, president and chief investment officer, and Richard R. Whitt, III, president and co-chief operating officer, will serve as co-chief executive officers of the Company. In addition, F. Michael Crowley, … Source: Claims Journal

Allstate Poll Reveals Spike in Property Claims During the Holidays

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By the time the turkeys, pumpkin pies and cranberries are devoured and the calendar flips from November to December, 75 percent of Americans will have already started checking items off their shopping lists, according to a new poll released by … Source: Claims Journal

Survey Finds Driving Behavior Improves With Telematics Devices

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More than half (56 percent) of the drivers participating in an Insurance Research Council (IRC) public opinion survey have made changes in how they drive since installing a telematics device provided by their insurance company in their primary vehicle. Thirty-six … Source: Claims Journal

Tesla Recalls all Model S Sedans for Faulty Seatbelt

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Tesla Motors is recalling its entire fleet of Model S sedans to check their front seatbelts after one passenger’s seatbelt became disconnected. The recall – the company’s largest ever – involves 90,000 cars worldwide. Tesla sent an email Friday to … Source: Claims Journal

Audit Finds That Oklahoma Workers’ Comp Commission Isn’t Tracking Payments

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A state audit of the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Commission indicates the agency has not been tracking some mandatory assessments. A sample test of claims paid from two funds showed roughly half had no supporting documentation to determine the calculation used … Source: Claims Journal

Arizona High Court Rules No immunity for Medical Marijuana Users Under DUI Law

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The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Friday that medical marijuana cardholders don’t have immunity from prosecution under a state DUI law that prohibits drivers from having in their bodies any amount of marijuana or its chemical compound that causes impairment. But … Source: Claims Journal

County First in Indiana to Get Pet Trailer for Use During Natural Disasters

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When Kellie Borgman, president and co-owner of Friends for Paws, took supplies to southern Indiana after major tornadoes and flooding a few years ago, she didn’t see any animals for the first three or four days. “Sometimes, it takes some … Source: Claims Journal

Enservio Adds Real-Time Fraud Detection to Contents Management Product

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Claims adjusters working on the job have something unique they can add to their toolkit: a way to root out soft or opportunistic fraud as it happens for home contents claims. Enservio, Inc. introduced a new option for its ContentsExpress … Source: Claims Journal