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Research Suggests User Routines Key to Preventing Email Phishing

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The cumulative number of successful phishing cyberattacks has risen sharply over the last decade, and in 2014 that figure surged past the total U.S. population. To date, about 400 million breaches have yielded hackers some kind of personal information, according … Source: Claims Journal

New England Politicians Speak Out Against Prescription Opioid Abuse

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Political leaders from across New England met with business leaders recently to discuss ways to combat New England’s deadly opioid addiction problem, including tightening regulations around prescription painkillers. In addition, Massachusetts’ top medical schools said they’ve reached an agreement with … Source: Claims Journal

Holiday Season Prime Time for Adjusters to Organize, Review Career Goals

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While the holiday season is often bustling for retailers, it can be a quiet time for claims departments. It’s also the best time for adjusters to clean up their desks, settle claims and take stock in their career, said Kevin … Source: Claims Journal

Texas Attorney Wants to Move BP Fraud Case Ahead

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A San Antonio attorney wants his day in court sooner rather than later in a massive BP fraud case. But at least two more of the seven defendants want a delay, saying they need more time to prepare for trial. … Source: Claims Journal

Midwest Windy Season Known as the Witch of November

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Late fall in the Midwest is known as the windy season. Residents in those states will experience gusts of wind sometimes comparable to those of a hurricane, according to Meemic Insurance Company. The strong winds that blow across the Great … Source: Claims Journal

HSB Invests in Augury’s Internet Machine Diagnostics Platform Technology

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Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB), part of Munich Re, announced recently that it has invested in Augury, a predictive machine diagnostics company that is bringing its proprietary algorithms, smart sensing device and mobile diagnostics tool to new markets, starting with diagnosing … Source: Claims Journal

Ohio School Barricade Devices Continue to Cause Concern

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Fire marshals, architects and building hardware manufacturers renewed questions Monday about an Ohio law allowing schools to deploy portable barricade devices in the event of an active shooter. The devices gained popularity after the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary … Source: Claims Journal

Falls and Brawls Cause Most Eye Injuries in U.S.

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Falling and fighting top the list of major causes of eye injuries resulting in hospitalization over a 10-year period, according to research presented today at AAO 2015, the 119th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Falling was the … Source: Claims Journal

New York Regulators Weigh Cybersecurity Requirements for Banks and Insurers

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New York regulators are considering a host of cybersecurity requirements for banks and insurers and urged other state and federal authorities to collaborate on establishing a framework of defenses for the financial sector. Financial Services Superintendent Anthony Albanese said in … Source: Claims Journal

Claims Recruiting: How to Successfully Attract Top Talent

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The insurance industry is facing major changes in leadership and staffing as Baby Boomers continue to retire over the next decade. According to the Claims Journal 2014 Job & Salary survey, claims managers are concerned about the aging workforce given … Source: Claims Journal