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Record Verdict Winner, Texas ‘King of Torts’ Dead at 90

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Joe Jamail, the Texas billionaire who became the richest practicing attorney in the U.S. after winning jury verdicts in civil lawsuits that included a $10.5 billion award for Pennzoil Co. in its landmark case against Texaco Inc. during the 1980s, … Source: Claims Journal

Washington Interested in Idaho’s Use of Red Flashers on Snowplows

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Idaho officials say changing the rear lights on snowplows from flashing yellow to flashing red has resulted in fewer mishaps by motorists approaching the road-clearing machines from behind. “Too many people were ignoring the flashing yellows and running right up … Source: Claims Journal

Latest Airbag Death Reveals Flaws in U.S. Recall System

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From 2010 to 2012, Honda Motor Co. said it made multiple attempts to notify the owner of a 2001 Accord that the car’s airbag was faulty and needed replacing. Last July, with the car sold to another person and repairs … Source: Claims Journal

Las Vegas Strip Pedestrian Safety Efforts Receive Mixed Reactions

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The Las Vegas Strip, flanked by towering casinos-hotels, is a 4-mile stretch of near-constant movement, jammed with cars, buses, taxis and mobile billboards rolling alongside scores of pedestrians. Keeping those strolling visitors safe, as well as making it easier to … Source: Claims Journal

FAA Warns of Rise in Helicopter Bird Strikes

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The crew of a Dallas police helicopter was searching for a capsized boat last March, when there was a loud explosion and wind rushed through a huge hole in the windshield. The pilot, Sgt. Todd Limerick, put a hand over … Source: Claims Journal

Sinking of California Canal, Land Costing State Billions

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A canal that delivers vital water supplies from Northern California to Southern California is sinking in places. So are stretches of a riverbed undergoing historic restoration. On farms, well casings pop up like mushrooms as the ground around them drops. … Source: Claims Journal

Chipotle Makes Food Prep Changes After E. Coli Scare

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After an E. coli outbreak that sickened more than 50 people, Chipotle is tweaking its cooking methods. Onions will be dipped in boiling water to kill germs before they’re chopped. Raw chicken will be marinated in re-sealable plastic bags, rather … Source: Claims Journal

Mother Appeals Dismissal of Son’s Hiking Death Lawsuit

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The mother of a man who died on a 2011 backpacking trip to India is appealing a federal judge’s decision to dismiss her lawsuit against a Wyoming training academy. Elizabeth Brenner of Minnetonka, Minnesota, is pressing her claims against the … Source: Claims Journal

ILR’s Ranks the 10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of the Year

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An animal rights group suing on behalf of a monkey for the copyright ownership of his “selfies” tops the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform’s (ILR) survey of the “Top Ten Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2015.” Along with the list, … Source: Claims Journal

Luxury Hotel Cleaning Firm Owners Working in Nevada, California Charged With $7M Fraud

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The owners of a janitorial company serving luxury hotels in Southern California and Nevada are charged with running a $7 million workers’ compensation insurance and tax evasion scam, prosecutors announced Monday. Hyok “Steven” Kwon and Woo “Stephanie” Kwon were arrested … Source: Claims Journal