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State Farm: Top 3 Causes of Boat Damage

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Submerged objects such as trees and rocks cause more damage to boats than marine mammals, according to State Farm. The company wants boat owners to know the common causes of boat damage. Claims data from State Farm, the nations’ largest … The post State Farm: Top 3 Causes of Boat Damage appeared first on Claims…

Texas, Oklahoma Flash Floods Destroy Hundreds of Homes

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Record rainfall was wreaking havoc across a swath of the U.S. Midwest on Sunday, causing flash floods in normally dry riverbeds, spawning tornadoes and forcing at least 2,000 people to flee. Tornadoes struck, severely damaging an apartment complex in Houston, … The post Texas, Oklahoma Flash Floods Destroy Hundreds of Homes appeared first on Claims…

Yellowstone Trips, Slip and Falls Outpace Bear Mauling

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Getting hurt at Yellowstone National Park isn’t quite as dramatic as you might think. Although the park is full of hazards like bears, bison, scalding water and canyons, visitors are most likely to be injured from mundane accidents like trips, … The post Yellowstone Trips, Slip and Falls Outpace Bear Mauling appeared first on Claims…

New Orleans Hurricane Protection System Tested

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With hurricane season approaching, the Army Corps of Engineers is running through its plans to better protect New Orleans from flooding and testing pumps and floodgates built around this low-lying metropolis since Hurricane Katrina struck 10 years ago. Corps officials … The post New Orleans Hurricane Protection System Tested appeared first on Claims Journal. Source:…

Northeast Marinas Rush to Repair Damage From Deep Freeze

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The deep freeze that gripped the Northeast last winter dealt a severe blow to marinas and yacht clubs: Ice snapped pilings in half, shredded wooden docks and left behind wreckage that many compare to the effects of a hurricane. After … The post Northeast Marinas Rush to Repair Damage From Deep Freeze appeared first on…

Jersey Shore Continues to Recover as 3rd Post-Sandy Summer Nears

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In the months after Superstorm Sandy devastated the Jersey shore, Gov. Chris Christie warned residents the damage would not be quickly undone. Things would only look moderately better in the first summer after the storm, he said, and would be … The post Jersey Shore Continues to Recover as 3rd Post-Sandy Summer Nears appeared first…

Senate Bill Would Raise Passenger Railroad Liability Limit

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U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., has filed legislation aimed at helping victims of the deadly May 12 Amtrak derailment. Nelson’s bill would raise the current $200 million cap on the amount a passenger rail company is obligated to pay victims … The post Senate Bill Would Raise Passenger Railroad Liability Limit appeared first on Claims…

Hawaii Told to Expect El Nino to Continue All Year

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El Nino will bring tropical storms to Hawaii this summer as the weather event warms the Pacific Ocean and bumps up humidity. The National Weather Service predicts El Nino will almost definitely continue through the summer and likely last through … The post Hawaii Told to Expect El Nino to Continue All Year appeared first…

Tobacco Firms Win Partial Appeal Over Court-Ordered Disclosure Ads

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A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday ruled that tobacco companies cannot be forced to announce publicly that they deliberately deceived the public over the health risks of cigarettes. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit … The post Tobacco Firms Win Partial Appeal Over Court-Ordered Disclosure Ads appeared first on…

Atlanta Court Ruling Another Sign Tobacco Lawsuits Subsiding

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A little-noticed ruling by three federal judges may have tipped the scales in favor of the tobacco industry’s bid to put decades of smoker lawsuits behind it. The appeals court panel in Atlanta said individual smokers, already blocked from suing … The post Atlanta Court Ruling Another Sign Tobacco Lawsuits Subsiding appeared first on Claims…