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Allianz Estimates Germanwings Crash Claims at $300M

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Germany’s Allianz has estimated insurers will pay $300 million in claims and costs stemming from the crash of a Germanwings plane in the French Alps last week, insurance industry sources said on Monday. The figure gives a preliminary orientation to … Source: Claims Journal

Toyota Lowering Price of Automatic Braking System

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Those pricey high-tech systems that automatically stop or slow your car if it’s about to run into something are getting a lot cheaper. Toyota says it will offer lower-cost versions of the safety features in new Lexus and Toyota SUVs … Source: Claims Journal

Oregon Ski Areas Seek Liability Shield After Court Ruling

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Ski areas are asking the Oregon Legislature for enhanced protection from lawsuits after the state Supreme Court invalidated the broad liability waivers often printed on the back of lift tickets. Ski facility executives told the Senate Judiciary Committee this week … Source: Claims Journal

Rollovers Kill Hundreds of Truckers a Year

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It was almost midnight when Walter Price eased his 18-wheeler into the right lane on Interstate 75 near Atlanta. As he began to bank onto the exit ramp he’d been taking for the past 10 years, Price had no idea … Source: Claims Journal

CoreLogic Offers Location-Specific Wind Claims Technology

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Property data and analytics firm CoreLogic has introduced new wind verification technology designed to improve the accuracy and timing of insurance claims related to severe wind damage. The new technology combines proprietary three-dimensional storm models, storm-tracking models and artificial intelligence models … Source: Claims Journal

Ex-Pilot Sues Airline He Says Should Not Have Let Him Fly

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A former JetBlue Airways Corp. pilot whose midair meltdown forced an emergency landing of a 2012 flight on Friday sued the carrier for $14.9 million, saying it should have grounded him because it knew he was incapable of flying. Clayton … Source: Claims Journal

Addressing Medical Marijuana in Claims

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With the approval of marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions in 23 states, plus Washington D.C., and the legalization of recreational marijuana use in two states (Colorado and Washington where its legal medically and recreationally), there are several factors … Source: Claims Journal

Budget Woes Shut Down Illinois Auto Theft Task Forces

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Officials with police-run auto-theft task forces say they are shutting down across Illinois due to state spending freezes. Separately, the (Peoria) Journal Star also reports that a bipartisan deal reached in the state Legislature last week will siphon $6 million … Source: Claims Journal

Michigan Police Now Have Access to Check Auto Insurance

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Police in Michigan are using an easy way to check whether a motor vehicle is properly insured. Starting last year, police got access to information on whether a vehicle is insured by running a license plate number through an in-car … Source: Claims Journal

Forest Service Looks to Improve Fire Shelter

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The man tapped by the U.S. Forest Service to come up with a better fire shelter once had to get inside one on the side of a burning mountain and listen to flames roar past sounding like a jet airplane … Source: Claims Journal