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Report Says Russian Hackers Haven’t Eased Spying Efforts

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WASHINGTON (AP)–The elite Russian state hackers behind last year’s massive SolarWinds cyberespionage campaign hardly eased up this year, managing plenty of infiltrations of U.S. and allied government agencies and foreign policy think tanks with consummate craft and stealth, a leading … Source: Claims Journal

Mushrooms Being Tested For Cleaning Up Contaminated Soil

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MADISON, Wis. (AP)–In the garage of a vacant farmhouse at the Marathon County landfill, mushrooms are growing in contaminated soil. The soil was the site of an oil spill in the Fox Valley. Plants won’t grow on it. It’s not … Source: Claims Journal

Pa. Supreme Finds Injury During Transit From After-Hours Event Was Work Related

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A traveling salesperson injured in a car accident after an employer-sponsored happy hour had to drive past the highway exit to his home on the way to the event, sparking debate over whether he was still considered “on the job” … Source: Claims Journal

No Coverage Owed for $1.2 Million Loss Caused by Gold Coin Shipping Scam

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A Dallas gold coins dealer cannot evade a fraudulent check exclusion in its insurance policy by putting the onus on UPS for rerouting shipments worth more than $1 million. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that UPS’ alleged mishandling of its … Source: Claims Journal

Nevada Court Sides With Gunmakers in Las Vegas Shooting Suit

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CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP)–Nevada’s Supreme Court ruled gun manufacturers cannot be held responsible for the deaths in the 2017 mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip because a state law shields them from liability unless the weapon malfunctions. The parents … Source: Claims Journal

2 Louisiana Insurance Companies Fail After Hurricane Ida

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BATON ROUGE, La. (AP)–Insurance companies operating in Louisiana will be charged at least $100 million to pay the claims of two failed property insurers who went belly up in Hurricane Ida’s aftermath. But the cost of dealing with the insolvent … Source: Claims Journal

Storm Weakens After Heavy Rain, Evacuation in Southern India

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HYDERABAD, India (AP)–A tropical storm weakened after dumping heavy rains overnight in parts of southern India off the Bay of Bengal as more than 50,000 people evacuated to government-run camps, officials said Saturday. No loss of life or major damage … Source: Claims Journal

Indonesian Rescuers Dig Through Volcanic Ash After 14 Die

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LUMAJANG, Indonesia (AP) — Rescuers were sifting through smoldering debris and thick mud in search of survivors a day after the highest volcano on Java island erupted with fury, killing at least 14 people with searing gas and ash. Mount … Source: Claims Journal

Denver Art Museum Mulls Fate of Plundered African Art

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DENVER (AP) — British troops in 1897 mounted a violent, retaliatory raid on the Kingdom of Benin, in what’s now southern Nigeria, looting and burning the royal palace and sending the oba, or king, into exile. The British confiscated all … Source: Claims Journal

Meticulous Restoration Underway at Air Force Academy Chapel

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — The Air Force Academy chapel is one of the most distinctive pieces of architecture in Colorado. But few people have caught a glimpse of it for more than a year. That’s because the entire building … Source: Claims Journal